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Federal Enforcement Actions for

New Jersey inspects nursing homes for compliance with federal Medicare standards under a contract with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Based on the results of a routine inspection or a complaint investigation, New Jersey may recommend to CMS that further enforcement actions be taken against a nursing home. CMS makes the final determination and may issue penalties or fines that vary from the original recommendation.

To obtain complete information about a nursing home inspection and recommended enforcement action, please request copies of these documents through New Jersey’s Open Public Records Act (OPRA). Please cite both the inspection ID number and the enforcement ID number when making requests.

For more information about the federal enforcement program, visit the CMS web site

Between 01/01/2015 AND 03/11/2025

Enforcement Action ID
Inspection ID Inspection
In Compliance
NJ09ST UD1O11 11/21/2024
NJ09ST UD1O21 11/21/2024
NJ0IWY ZXYY11 08/11/2023
NJ0IWY ZXYY21 08/11/2023
NJP4LI 281I11 02/07/2023